Saturday, January 27, 2018

Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Little House in the Big Woods

Author: Laura Ingalls Wilder
Publisher: Harper Collins
Year: 1932
Genre: Autobiographical
Age: JUV 8+
I've never read any of the Little House books. Laura Ingalls Wilder is the author of the month at the Library right now so I thought I'd give it a try. Overall it was a good book. I think I'd like it more if I had read it when I was a kid.
This is the first book of nine in the Little House series. Our story begins with Laura & her sisters Mary & baby Carrie, their Ma & Pa, a dog named Jack, & a cat named Black Susan. They all live in the big woods of Wisconsin. The book details their life and the things necessary to survive in the big woods in 1871. As the reader we get to see the family helping with daily tasks like taking care of animals, baking, hunting, & much more.
Likes: This book is short, less than 200 pages.

There are illustrations to go along with the story. We get to see the family, the animals, & their adventures.

It was interesting to see how things were done back then.

Dislikes: This book was a little slow paced. The wording & structure of the story is simple. When I was a kid I probably would have gravitated towards a book like this. As an adult I did enjoy it but it wasn't as exciting as most of the other books I read.


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