Sunday, December 15, 2019

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Titan's Curse

The Titan's Curse

Author: Rick Riordan
Publisher: Disney Hyperion Books
Year: 2007
Genre: Mythology
Age: Juv 10+
Page Count: 214

Audio Publisher & Year: Penguin Random House Audio (Listening Library)/ 2007
Audio Reader: Jesse Bernstein
Audio Length: 8 hours & 50 mins


Before I get into the review I've got a few other things to put here...

#1 This is my 300th post on this blog!!!!!!! I started this blog in 2015 after I moved here. I originally started it as a way to keep in touch with friends from back home & show people all my library adventures. Then I started doing reviews & posting book trailers & other things. It's mostly about books now but so is my life so it's fitting. I'm so happy to be able to bring these reviews to all of you reading. I'm not exactly sure who is reading this but if you are out there let me know down in the comments below!

Side note: While I'm writing this I'm making dinner & watching FernGully! I remember watching this movie when I was a kid & it's so good. Very funny but also kinda sad. It's also very 90's as far as the cast. Tim Curry, Robin Williams, Christian Slater, Ton Loc, & Cheech & Chong...need I say more?

#2 I finally got my hands on The Sea of Monsters movie. The first movie came out in 2010 after the books were done. Then this second movie came out 3 years later. I think they only ever made 2 movies because they waited too long & the kids were grown by the end. It's really a shame. They are good movies. But in comparison to the books it's not good. They added some new characters in this movie that were supposed to also be in the last one. Maybe people were upset? Dionysus & Clarisse are in this movie but Chiron is played by a different actor, I liked Pierce Brosnan better personally. This second movie much like the first makes sense as a far as the movie plot. Because the first one was different it would have been hard to follow the books more closely. The basic plot still exists which I think saves it. They need to fleece to save Thalia's tree, Luke is still on a rampage, & Percy has to save the world with his friends Grover & Annabeth. At the end of the movie though we get to see Kronos rise. There's a big fight & of course Percy defeats Kronos. That is another reason I think this was the "last" movie. I just finished book #3 & Kronos is still in his coffin in pieces. The bottom line on the movies is that they are good but do not compare then to the books. I hope they make more movies or maybe a TV show in the future. I'd definitely watch either.

#3 I recently decided to try & put ads on my blog through AdSense. So if you are seeing them for the first time that's why. I wanted to try it & see how it goes. It might not be permanent, we'll see what happens.

Ok now for the review...
This is book #3 in the Percy Jackson series. I have 2 more books to go before I'm done & I am so excited! I was originally reading these books when they came out about 10 years ago. I never read book #5 for sure. But as I'm reading them I'm remembering less & less. The first 2 books I remembered some of the details. Then in this book #3 I was a little lost. So we'll see what happens with book #4. I also can't believe I never finished the series! It is getting really crazy! How could I have not finished!?

In this book we see Luke's army growing & Kronos is becoming a real threat. Monsters from eons ago are coming back & the gods have decided to intervene finally. I think with them & the half bloods teaming up...kinda...they can save themselves, & defeat Kronos. I'm worried about Percy & the prophecy. He's 14 in this story so that means by the end he will be 16. But will he turn on Olympus? I don't think so, I hope not at least, he seems like a good kid.

I also just noticed while reading/listening to these books that the covers all blend together. Like the edge of the previous cover & the following cover can be seen on the current one. If you look at this one on the left you can see a rock from the Sea of Monsters & on thr right you can see the beginning of the Labyrinth.

I'm hoping in book #4 Grover finally gets what he's always wanted & he can find Pan. That's kinda like a continuing side quest throughout all the books so far, can he do it? This book in particular has some hard elements to it that are making the story progress but also showing how serious the fight will be at the end. There is several loses that are tough but necessary I think. It reminds me a lot of book #4 in the Harry Potter series. That was the book that I remember reading & thinking ok it's getting serious now, there's no going back. That's where we are right now in book #3 with Percy.

I haven't talked much about the audio version of these books. I really like the reader. It's the same reader as the Mr. Lemoncello's Library series. I like the reader, I'd listen to more of his books. They are quick listens. I like having both the book & the audio so I can go back & forth depending on the situation. I have to admit though that I mostly read this book because I was freaking out about the story & didn't want to wait. I already have book #4 on audio. I couldn't find book #5 on digital audio but my library has the CD if I want. The CD's & the books are very well loved to say the least so they might not be manageable. I want to continue reading more books by Rick Riordan in the future after I finish this series.

More review to come! Thanks for being with me through 300 posts!