Monday, February 25, 2019

Buttercream Bump Off by Jenn McKinlay

Buttercream Bump Off

Author: Jenn McKinlay
Publisher: Berkley
Year: 2011
Genre: Mystery
Age: Adult 18+
Page Count: 212


This was our Cook the Books pick for February. Naturally I couldn't not read the first one & it has me hooked. I already got book #3 & I ordered #4 on ILL. The rest of the group really liked this book too. The woman that was our "host" made the moonlight madness cucakes & they were delicious, I'll include the recipe down below. This story had me laughing from start to finish, it was HILARIOUS! Just to give you some exampes the story opens with Angie calling Mel to come & witness their rival Olivia dancing in the street passing out flyers in a giant cupcake costume! Mel also goes shopping with her mom & tells her brother on the phone that if she walks past one more department store perfume girl people are going to think she is a ho. Then at one point Mel & her new sidekick Marty end up hiding in a dumpster. LOL!!!!!!!!!! The murder in this one was a mystery to me until the very end. I'm thinking I'll get better at figuring or who it is as I go along. Overall this book was very enjoyable & I think I might like it even more than the Hannah Swensen series. The two stories are similar but also different enough that you could read them both. This same author, Jenn McKinlay, also writes a library mystery series that I always see when I'm at work but have never tried. Based on her style of writing I think I'll add it to my TBR for sometime soon to at least try the first one. The romance in this book heats up a little bit when Angie starts dating a rock star that could be the murder & Mel starts to get more serious with Joe. There's also the slightly creepy Detective Martinez luking around, something is up with him. So we'll see what happens in the next book! Sorry the picture of the recipe isn't that great, it's a little bit difficult to hold the bok & take the picture with one hand.

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